Monday, December 5

Melinda is 18

Well she's actually been 18 for over a month. I'm just behind, as usual.
Melinda's birthday was on October 25th. The girls and I headed to my parents' house around noon and got to have lunch with Melinda and two of her friends. That's one perk to being a stay-at-home Mom. When I was working, I always missed out on fun "during the day" activities. After lunch, we took Melinda shopping. She wanted some new jeans so we headed out to find some. My mom kept Morley and we took Wrigley. In the afternoon Melinda had a choir rehearsal so while she was there, the girls and I went to Target with my mom & Maggie to do some more shopping. 
My big girls love to sit in the shopping cart! 
This girl always has her tongue out lately. Always. 
After shopping, the girls and I ran home to pick up Jeff and then met everyone at Brick Oven for dinner. 

Roses from dad. :)
We had our own little room at Brick Oven, which was nice so we could party as hard as we wanted without disturbing anyone else. ;)

I just can't believe my little Melinda is all grown up.
We had so much fun celebrating her special day!

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