Friday, December 30

Christmas Week

The week before Christmas was busy busy busy for us. We had something going on every night, which meant the girls were up late every night. Poor things. Their schedules are still not back to normal. 

One of my good friends from high school got married and we were able to attend his reception. I hated all the drama with my girl friends in high school so a lot of the time I hung out with guys. These were some of my best friends. 
 (Kasey, Jason, Jon, Spencer, Rey) 
Durrell (the one who got married) was too busy to be in our picture.
It was so fun to see them all and hear about what's going on in all their lives. It was the first time a couple of them had met the girls and it was fun to show them off. :)

On Tuesday the girls & I spent the day at Caitlin's house baking Christmas goodies with her & Joy! The girls had fun playing with the boys and all their fun toys! I think Dalton was a little confused why they were playing with all his stuff!
We made chocolate cake mix cookies with mint M&M's, brown sugar & maple cookies, Oreo truffles, english toffee & soft gingerbread cookies.
While we were making plates for neighbors & friends, Wrigs was sitting on my lap & grabbed an Oreo Truffle before I could stop her. She squeezed it so I just let her have it. I think it was the best day of her life. 

When Morley woke up from her nap I gave her one too :)

We went to a 3 Christmas parties & I didn't take any pictures :( 
We had fun delivering Christmas goodies & visiting with friends. One night we went to Justin & Michonne's house for dinner. 
Wrigley was giving "loves" all night :)
 Wrigley loves electronics. If we have the laptop on while she is awake she will do anything in her power to get to it & pound on the keys. So Mike gave us an old keyboard for the girls to play with.
When Jeff is using the laptop he gives her the keyboard to distract her. It works for about a minute but she's not fooled....she knows it's not the same & she wants the laptop! 
She also loves cell phones & Ipads. While we were at Justin & Michonne's, their little boy, Bryson, was playing on the Ipad. Wrigley saw him & wanted to play too. 
You can tell by Bryson's face how happy he was to have her there. ;)

We went to Jonathan & Julie's house on Friday night for a little family Christmas party. We ate too much & played lots of fun games! Ryan kept asking to hold the babies. They are almost as big as he is.
 Such a little dude :)

Jeff & I and the girls drove out to Spanish Fork one night to drive through the Festival of Lights.
We took the girls out of their carseats so they could see the lights out the windows. They thought it was pretty fun!

Wednesday, December 28

9 Months

We had the twins' 9 month check up last week.
Wrigley's stats...
Weight: 18lbs. 7oz. (42nd percentile)
Height: 29 inches (95th percentile)
Head: 17 inches (22nd percentile)

Morley's stats...
Weight: 17lbs. 2oz. (17th percentile)
Height: 28.5 inches (90th percentile)
Head: 16.75 inches (10th percentile)

Doctor says they are doing great. He couldn't believe how mobile they are already. They were all over that office ;)
We didn't have to get any shots this time which I was so happy about. But they had to prick the girls' toes to do some blood work. Neither of them even cried. They just watched very intently and then were fascinated by the bandaids.

Some fun facts about the twins at 9 months:

*They both clap when anyone says, "Yay!"
*They both wave bye-bye. Morley waves like she's in a parade. :) She is all girl!
*Morley LOVES anything sparkly or shiny. Her favorite thing in the world is jewelry. Any kind of jewelry.
*Wrigley dances anytime music comes on. The girls & I have had quite a few Christmas music dance parties this month. ;) Morley never dances with us but she sings right along with the music!
*Morley is still very vocal. She always has something to say. She says, "Dada", "Mama", "Hi" & "Yay". She is still a screamer and is always experimenting to see how loud she can possibly be.
*Wrigley has taken a few steps. She is always standing these days. She doesn't even use things to pull herself up much anymore, she just stands right up. Expect a "Wrigley is walking" post in the next week or so. ;) Morley hasn't taken any steps yet, but is very sturdy on her feet so it won't be long I'm sure. 
*Both girls have two bottom teeth. Wrigley's both cut through the first week of November. You never would have known it....she was as happy as can be all week. Yesterday, they both had a top front tooth cut through and Morley's second top one is close also. 
*They both try to copy things Jeff & I say or do or faces we make. It is my favorite thing they do lately.  It makes me laugh every time. 
*Wrigley plays peek-a-boo! It is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life! She will pull the blanket up over her face and wait until we say, "Where's Wrigs?" and then pull it down and giggle when we say, "Peek-a-Boo!"
*I've been teaching them where their noses are and now they point to everyone & everything's nose. In books, real people, toys....everything!
*They LOVE to read books!
*Bath time is their favorite time of day. As soon as they hear the water turn on they both stop whatever they are doing & crawl as fast as they can toward the bathroom. 
*Morley is very social. She will talk to & smile at anyone as long as someone she knows is holding her. 
*They are both pretty good sleepers. Morley takes awesome naps but doesn't always do so well at night. I usually have to get up and give her a bink or cover her back up once or twice a night. She WILL NOT stay under her covers. She doesn't like to have her hands covered up at all. If I cover them, they are back out within 5 seconds. Wrigley has been sleeping through the night consistently for about a month now. 
*They are both good eaters and will eat anything we give them.
*Wrigley is constantly saying, "ooooohhhh". She makes a little O shape with her mouth when she does it. Sometimes she even whispers it. So funny. She also says, "Hi" and tries to say "dog". When we ask her where the doggie is, she says, "duh". 
*Morley has this fake laugh that she does and it's the funniest thing ever!
*Wrigley still loves Morley more than anything on the earth. Morley still doesn't love the attention from Wrigley. They are in this phase of pounding on things when they get excited. Wrigley gets excited to see Morley and starts pounding on her. You can guess why Morley isn't a big fan of this. They do play together pretty well for the most part though. They follow each other around all day long.

Wrigley & Morley are two very different little people but Jeff & I love them both so much & feel so blessed to have them in our family. We are having so much fun being their parents and watching them learn & discover new things every day.

Wordless Wednesday

Thursday, December 22

Twins' First Car

The girls got an early Christmas present today from Jeff's boss.
They had a great time building it with daddy.

When Wrigley found out the car plays music, she was one excited little girl!

We let them sit in it for a few minutes before we put them to bed but the battery has to charge so they don't know yet that it moves! It's remote controlled but it also has a foot pedal so when they're older they can drive it themselves. They were so excited, which makes me so excited for them to see all the rest of their new toys on Christmas morning! :)

Wednesday, December 21

Saturday, December 17

Morley's Binks

Neither of the girls have ever been huge binki suckers. They were more when they were tiny but it's always been mostly when they are going to sleep.
The gumdrop binks have always been their favorite. We have tried lots of different kinds but have always come back to these. 

They always liked to play with the other kinds though so I put them in with their toys.
A couple days ago Morley found one in the toys & put it in her mouth. She has been sucking on it ever since. 

Even in the bath.
Then she found some other binks & decided it didn't have to be just that one. So I find her sucking on different binks all day long. 
The little goof cracks me up. :)

P.S. She stands all on her own now!

Thursday, December 15

28 years!

This is a picture of my parents on their wedding day. 28 years ago today.

These are the two greatest people I know. 
I'm so grateful that they decided to get married 28 years ago so that they could be my parents! :)
Seriously though, they are amazing.
I don't think a child can really know or understand how much their parents love them until they have children of their own. I definitely had no idea. It's an indescribable kind of love. 
I'm realizing more & more (since having the twins) how much my parents have done for me (and still do for my little family) & sacrificed for me throughout my life. From the sleepless nights & diaper changes to the rebellious teenage years. I'm grateful for it all. I'm grateful for the things they taught me. I'm grateful there were always consequences to my actions, even though they weren't appreciated at the time...I'm understanding now more & more why they did the things they did. And it was always because they loved me and wanted what was best for me. I'm grateful for their unconditional love. Never once in my life have I ever doubted that they loved me. I'm grateful for their example throughout my life. They've always taught me how important it was to be Christlike but even more than that, they've showed me in the way they live their lives.
I love my mom & dad more than words can say and feel so blessed that they are mine. 
Happy 28th anniversary mom & dad! :)

Oh Christmas Tree

We finally got a Christmas tree on Saturday! It's a real one :) I love that I get to smell pine now every time I walk through the door. It smells like Christmas :)
I was worried about the girls not leaving the tree alone but we haven't had any problems with it. They both touched it when we first set it up & didn't like the feel of it on their hands so have pretty much left it alone since. We have pulled a few pine needles out of two little mouths though. I just end up vacuuming 4-5 times a week now instead of the usual 3!
They occasionally will play with the Santa ornaments but I'm okay with that. They can't really hurt them.
They were so helpful putting the ornaments on the tree.
I was letting them play with them/suck on them until Wrigley decided to start pounding on the rest of them with the one in her hand. It shattered and then Jeff was put on baby duty while I finished up.


I let them help me put their very first ornaments (from Grandma Maria) on the tree :)
We went to Jeff's grandparents' house for dinner on Sunday & they gave us these Santa ornaments & some cute chocolate ornaments to add to our tree.

We added a fun new Christmas decoration to our collection this year.
We set it up on the bottom shelf of our bookcase & the girls love it. 
I always set it back up when they are sleeping and it's the first place they go when they wake up. :)