Monday, November 15

It's a....??

We had our first Perinatologist appointment on Thursday. They did an ultrasound & she said everything looks really good! Yay :)
One of the babies is a little bit smaller than the other but she said it's not a big enough difference to worry too much at this point. She wants to keep a close eye on it though, so we have to go in for ultrasounds every 2 weeks!
Here are some pictures of our cute little babies at 19 weeks 1 day.

Little feet :)

The ultrasound tech asked if we wanted to know the sex of the babies. Yes, please!!

Baby A is a......


Baby B is a......


We are so excited to meet these 2 sweet little girls!
Jeff's feeling outnumbered & I am having so much fun shopping for pink :)

I bought these 2 plain white onesies at Old Navy.

Then I got some satin & organza fabric from Joann's to make these little flowers to put on them.

The bigger flowers are to put on headbands.

I think they turned out so cute! :)


Kate & The Girl's said...

That is so exciting! Megan, girls are so much fun. :) They will be best buds. Congrats again

Heather and AD said...

Congrats! That is going to be so fun having two girls! I think one of the most fun things about having twin girls would be dressing them alike! The onesies are darling by the way! I wish I knew how to make those flowers! You are so crafty!

Amy Nielson said...

Cute! Can you please teach me how to make those flowers??? Thanks.

ThE CaRr SuPeRsTaRs said...

YAY!!! I love the onsies! You seriously are going to be the CUTEST Mom for two little girls! Ahhhh how exciting! You'll love having a girls they are SO much fun!

Rowbury Family said...

Congrats Meg! How fun for you! I love the little onesies!

Lindsy Hartsock said...

WooHoo! Twin girls. Man I wish we were closer and I would have a ton of stuff, although they will be different season, but I will send you a box of some twins girls goodies. :) Can you email me your address? Very excited for you and love the onesies. A lady in my ward made me some onsies that said "two blessings from above" and "twice as much to love" in red lettering with hearts and I loved them! Anyway! Congrats to both of you.

Melissa said...

Yeah!! Two little girls! That is awesome Megan. Two little girls is perfect for you, I think.