Friday, March 16


It's been a year. 
And all 4 of us survived! :)

 I wanted the girls to have a fun day so we started off with balloons! 

A little later we went for a walk & then just played outside in the yard until nap time. These two love to be outside. Like scream bloody murder when I try to bring them in kind of love. 
I think we are going to live outside once summer comes along. 
After they took a nap we headed out to run a few errands. Then we came home & they "helped" me make cupcakes. Such big helpers. 
Jeff came home from work & took them for a car ride to pick up some Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner while I finished up the cupcakes. 
I forgot to get a picture of my cute, pink cupcakes. :(

My family came over in the evening to have pizza & cupcakes & open a few presents. 
 (Rodney & Amy will be in town next weekend, so that's when the real party is!)

The girls were much more interested in opening presents than they were at Christmas time. Wrigley, especially. Morley was interested for a minute but mostly she wanted to play with what was inside & the paper & boxes. 

Mike has always said the girls are going to play tennis because it is the highest paid women's sport. So he got them each a little tennis racket & some soft balls.

I'm going to make them each a cake that they can dig into at their party but tonight we let them practice on cupcakes.

After my family left, Jeff brought up some presents that he had gotten for the girls. 
 They can't get enough of their new princess couch & chair! :)

 I can't even believe how much I love my little girls. 
It makes my heart hurt how fast they are growing up but I have loved every minute of this year. Watching them grow & change & learn and discover new things & watching their little personalities develop has been such a fun & amazing experience. I feel so lucky & blessed every day to be their mom.
 Happy birthday to the 2 most beautiful little one year olds!

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