Thursday, November 12

Fall Decoration

I saw this idea on the blog Shanty2Chic & thought it was super cute. So I wanted to do it too!
I bought this set of 8 little pumpkins at Wal Mart for $2.34 when they were getting rid of all their Halloween stuff. Score!

I spray painted them white & added a little glaze.

Then hot glued some twine around them.
That was how she left them on the blog where I saw them & she set them on a shelf.
I have almost 3 million little baskets hanging around my house, so I spray painted one to put the pumpkins in. But I added some pinecones & leaves also to make it more "fall"ish!
And this is how it looks....


Amy Nielson said...

Meg, that is super cute! You are so talented.

Lindsy Hartsock said...

So adorable. I loved looking at your blog! I'm super impressed with your grocery shopping skills too. I'm so glad you guys are so happy and that everything is working out for you!

Heather Strong said...

Oh that is cute! Keep sharing the ideas!

Rowbury Family said...

Super cute!!!

Caitlin said...

That turned out so cute!

Brittany and Johnse said...

VERY CUTE!! I just did the same thing using real pumpkins and put them on my front porch!! your becoming very creative :)