Saturday, November 14

I'm addicted.... crafting.
If you haven't "crafty blogs" list grows every day :) I seriously spend hours looking at these blogs. These people are so creative!
One of my biggest addictions lately = Mod Podge. Amazing stuff.
I had these 3 plain black frames that I wanted to put in my kitchen, but unfortunately black does not go with my kitchen colors.

Mod Podge to the rescue :) Plus some cute scrapbook paper.
Much better!

Next Mod Podge project: Christmas boxes.

I bought a set of 3 of these little (not so cute) boxes.
I forgot to take a picture of all 3 before I started, but this is what they all looked like.
Then I turned them into a cute Christmas decoration :)

I made another Christmas decoration that didn't involve Mod Podge.
I bought these jingle bells & little red balls at Tai Pan a few weeks ago.

I had this empty vase that I put them in, added a little fake snow & tied a bow around it and TA DA!
Super easy! & I think it's cute :)


Heather Strong said...

You are so crafty! That looks like fun and no one will have the same decorations as you!

Amy Nielson said...

Cute stuff! Ummm...yeah your crafty blog list is super long!!! I'll have to look at some of those when I have a lot of free time. :)

Nicole said...

Oh my gosh, these are so cute!! I have been into crafting, but haven't tried my hand at Mod Podge lately, but now I think I'm going to try it out!

Caitlin said...

Those are so cute! You are so creative!

Rowbury Family said...

So cute! I've never done Mod Podge, I'll have to try it :)

Denise and Brandon said...

Very cute. I think I may do that box idea. Love it.