Tuesday, March 16

Busy Busy Busy!

Let me just tell you how crazy this last week has been.
So much fun, but I feel like I haven't been home at all to get anything done.
Friday, March 5th....
We went to the BYU Men's Volleyball game with Mike.
It was funny because we ran into Jeff's uncle, Brent at the game
& his seat was right behind ours! So, we got to talk to him for a little bit, which was fun.
Saturday, March 6th....
I'm taking a CNA class up in West Jordan that started this day.
The class is 3 weekends (Saturday & Sunday) long from 8:00-6:00.
We had tickets to the Jazz game this night with Mckay & Megan.
Jeff picked me up from class & we went straight there.

We got home pretty late & I was exhausted.
Sunday, March 7th....
When I got home from class, I made myself something to eat & went to bed.
Monday, March 8th....
Caitlin's friend's little boy was having a birthday party & they asked
Jeff if he would bring over some of his animals & do a little show for the kids.

I love Saxon's face in this one :)

The kids all had fun feeding carrots to Gordon.

I had the funniest conversation with Saxon at the party.
He was looking in Jeff's boxes & kept asking if we could get the "little monkeys" out.
I moved around the stuff in the box to find out what he was talking about.
I said, "Saxon, those are snakes in there, not monkeys."
Saxon: Probly, Jeff needa buy some little monkeys.
Me: Ok, go tell Jeff he needs to get some monkeys.
He went over to talk to Jeff.
Jeff told him to come ask me.
Saxon: Can Jeff buy some monkeys?
Me: Yes.
Saxon: Ok, I will go with him to the Monkey store & buy some little monkeys
and some big monkeys!
I love the things that kid comes up with :)

Caitlin made this cake for the party.
Jeff did such a good job & the kids loved it!
Tuesday, March 9th....
Nate & Caitlin invited us over for dinner to have tamales. YUM!
Then we went over to Jeff's friend's house to visit for a little bit.
Wednesday, March 10th....
Our seats were right on the floor.
There were 4 shows.



And Mickey & Minnie were there of course.

Thursday, March 11th....
We spent the evening at my parent's house.
Marsh got his mission call!
Family & friends came over to be there when he opened it.
He is heading to the Oregon Eugene mission on May 12th.

We had a chocolate fountain with lots of yummy treats to dip.
After everyone was done with the chocolate, Melinda decided to put her mouth
over the top where the chocolate comes out & drink it.
I got a video of her doing it, but I can't figure out how to rotate it.
So, once I figure that out, I will put it on here.
Friday, March 12th....
Mike, Jeff, my little brother Matthew, & I went to see Brain Regan
at Abravanel Hall in Salt Lake.
You can't see him very well in this video, but hopefully you can hear him.
And sorry if the camera is shaking :)

I've never laughed so hard in my life.
I think everyone needs to see him live at least once in their lifetime.
Saturday, March 13th....
I had class all day.
I met Jeff & Mike at Thanksgiving Point on my way home.
We went to see Avatar in 3D.
Good movie.
I really didn't think I would be that into it.
I loved it!!
Sunday, March 14th....
Right after my class, we headed over to my parent's house again.
Marsh got ordained an Elder.
Lots of family & friends were over again.
We had fun hanging out & playing games with everyone.

Yesterday & today have been much slower days & I am thankful for that.
It really was such a fun week, but I was completely worn out.


Caitlin said...

Wow, you have been busy! We've had fun seeing you guys a lot though :) Let me know when you get your little monkey :) That was so funny!!!!

Amy Nielson said...

Busy is good. :) Jacob would have LOVED that Disney on Ice!!! How do you always get such good seats everywhere?