Thursday, January 28

A few Things

On Martin Luther King Jr. day, I got to go bowling with some of my family.

My mom got 4 strikes in a row & wasted us all.
Way to go Mom!

Last weekend, we went with Mike to a rodeo up in Ogden.
During the National Anthem, I noticed a girl behind us had tears streaming down her face. Her friend next to her wrapped her arms around her & just held her while she cried.
Jeff & I decided later that her husband is probably in the military.
It made me start thinking about how grateful I am to live in this country. How grateful I am to the men & women around the world who leave their families & are sacrificing their lives to fight for our freedom. I wish that I could thank them all personally for what they are doing.
I had a conversation with a guy at work the other day about this. We started talking about the people in Haiti & how much they are suffering right now. I ask myself often why I was lucky enough to be born in this country, where I have everything I could ever need. I think that I take that for granted a lot. I want to be better at showing my gratitude for all that I have been given by dedicating my life to serving those who are less fortunate than myself. I saw a really cool widget on a friend's blog the other day, raising money to send to Haiti. What an awesome way for all of us to be able to help! If you would like to make a donation click here. Every little bit makes a difference!

Jeff's grandparents invited us up to their house for dinner on Sunday night.
After dinner Caitlin, Mike & I were still at the table listening to Grandpa & Grandma tell stories. Caitlin had never heard the story of how they met & asked them to tell it.
(She wrote the whole story out on her blog, if you want to read it click here.)
It was so much fun to hear their stories & to think about what they were like at a younger age. Such an entertaining night! We all laughed a lot.
I always love spending time with Jeff's grandparents, but I think this was definitely one of my favorites!

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