Tuesday, February 8

31 Weeks

Better late than never right?
Our computer hasn't been working for a couple weeks & that is why I am so behind.
We really haven't been up to much lately. Jeff's been sick for almost 2 weeks now and just kept getting worse. So we finally went to the doctor today & they gave him 2 prescriptions & want him to take 2 over the counter medications also. So hopefully he will be feeling much better in the next few days.
We had 2 baby appointments last week. The OB appointment was first & I am measuring at 34 cm & have gained a total of 30 pounds! I've heard the end of the pregnancy is when the most weight is gained, so I'm a little afraid! ;) Dr. Cherrington said that if everything keeps going as well as it is now, we will plan to schedule a C-Section for March 22nd! That's 6 weeks from today!! Can you believe that?! I can't! It has really gone by so fast!
We had an ultrasound at the Perinatologist on Wednesday & they say everything is still looking great! They measured the babies & Baby A is weighing in at 3 lbs. 2 oz. Baby B weighs 3 lbs. 14 oz. I was a little worried that there is such a difference in their weight, but the doctor assured us there is nothing to worry about. She said it's normal for them to be 2 to 3 weeks apart in size & our girls aren't even a week apart. They are both head down still & I am feeling all 4 little feet in my ribs a lot these days. We got a couple pictures of them, but no profiles this time.
We got an arm,
a foot,
and the tops of both little heads.

We start our weekly non-stress tests tomorrow where they will monitor the babies heart rates & contractions. Hopefully everything still looks good!


Heather Strong said...

If it makes you feel better, I only gained like 5 pounds during my last trimester with Abby (and my body LOVES to put on LOTS of weight during pregnancy!) so there is hope of little weight gain! You look awesome though!

Amy Nielson said...

Yay for healthy babies!!! :)