Tuesday, April 30

April Happenings

I try to keep my stethoscope out of the girls' reach but sometimes they get their hands on it and they love to play with it. 
Wrigley said, "Mo Mo, listen my heart."

We went to a boutique up at Thanksgiving Point one evening and when we came out, we tried to teach the girls how to roll down this hill. It was funny to watch their attempts! 

After a clinical one Saturday, I was able to make it to Cassie's baby shower for a little bit. 
These were 2 of my very best friends in high school. We don't get to see each other often enough but it's always fun when we do! 

We celebrated my mom's birthday last Sunday with a family party. 
The girls love birthdays and kind of think they are all for them! :)
They helped grandma open her presents and blow out the candles on her cakes. 

And of course, enjoyed eating the cake!

Pretty sure I've never met a messier eater than this girl!

The next day was her actual birthday so Melinda, the girls, and I took her to get a pedicure and to Cafe Rio for lunch. 

We love to be able to walk down the street to church when the weather is nice. 
This day we had to stop for the girls to say "bye" to the horse and tell him we were going to church. Then we had an awesome conversation about why horses don't come to church with us. I love the curiosity of these two!

We went to the Tulip Festival with my mom and Maggie one afternoon. 
It was the first time I had ever been there and it was fun but didn't really live up to my expectations. I've heard so much about it and how great it is. 
It was alright. 

We had to keep reminding the girls to smell the flowers. Not touch. 

 Running around with Maggie on the grass,

and feeding these fish were the highlights for the little ladies. 

I'm convinced I'll never get a picture where they're both looking at the camera. 

At this point, they figured out that their pants had pockets and walked around like this for probably 10 minutes. 

Then we all rolled down the big hill over and over before heading home. 

Friday, April 19

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease

The girls both had Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease at this beginning of this month. It was awful. AWFUL! 
I have no idea where they got it from. I know that it is super contagious but we don't know anyone who has had it recently. I'm assuming they must have gotten it from a play place. The mall, or McDonald's or something. 
Wrigley got it first. She started throwing up one day. The next day she had a fever and then the sores started showing up. 

Poor girl had sores in her mouth, around her mouth and nose, (she also had a runny nose so it was just awful every time I had to wipe her nose!) her hands , feet and bum. 
I took her to the doctor and he confirmed what she had and told us it was a virus and there was nothing they could do about it. He told us that it would last 7-10 days (and it did!) and that it was contagious until the sores scabbed over. The one piece of good news he gave us was that once you get it, you won't get it again! Thank goodness! I don't ever want my sweet girls to have to go through that again! 

I was hoping and praying Morley wouldn't get it too but of course she did a few days later. 

Her sores were the worst in her mouth. They were all over in her mouth and a ton in the back of her throat. So it was hard to get her to eat or drink anything. 
 It was so sad to see my girls so miserable. 

We did a lot of laying around. Snuggling.  Reading and watching movies. 

When the sores started healing and going away, the girls both had fingernails and toenails that started falling off.  I asked the doctor about it and he said that can happen in severe cases. It was so strange. 
So glad my girls are feeling better now!
I would never wish this horrible illness on anyone!