Tuesday, March 19

Twins turn 2!

When the twins woke up on their birthday, the first thing they wanted to do was put on the make-up that they got from their friend Gabbie at their party. 
I let them go to town. Because.....well....on your birthday, you get to do whatever you want to do. 

 Don't they look beautiful?!
I think we have 2 future make-up artists on our hands. 

Next they opened birthday cards from Uncle Marshall. He picked the perfect cards! They're starting to be really into Princesses. 

Jeff left to go to his cousin's wedding and I stayed home because I didn't want to leave my babes with a babysitter on their birthday!
So us girls had a picnic lunch on the lawn outside while he was gone. 

After nap time they wanted to eat their Ring Pops that Mckay and Danielle gave them. 

Then we decided to take them to Provo Beach Resort to have some fun!
They played on the playground. 

 Rode the carousel. 

We ate dinner. 

And then rode the carousel again. 

 We tried to fit all 4 of us in the photobooth but it didn't work out so well. 
So we put the girls in themselves and it turned out soooo much better! 
They are the cutest! 

We left Provo Beach and headed to James and Emily's wedding reception. It was fun to visit with Jeff's family for a little bit before taking our birthday girls home and putting them to bed. 

The girls' birthdays are bittersweet to me.
I love love celebrating them and the amazing, beautiful little people they are becoming. But it hurts my momma heart how fast it is going. I just know I'm going to blink and they're going to have babies of their own. 

Monday, March 18

Twins' Minnie Mouse Party

We had a birthday party for the girls on the 15th because Jeff's cousin was getting married on the 16th. 
I always tell myself I'm going to keep things simple. Yeah. I guess I can't do simple. I just love to plan parties. 

We had the party at my parents' house and had lots of friends and family come. I think the girls had a blast!

My beautiful birthday girls!

We set up the girls' bounce house that Uncle Mike gave them for Christmas and it was a big hit!

They weren't so sure about everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to them. 

But they enjoyed the cupcakes!

Everything about this picture just made me laugh! :)

Loved celebrating these sweet babes! 

Sunday, March 17

Chicago Trip 2013

This last week was my Spring Break so we were able to fly to Chicago for a long weekend. 
I was extremely nervous to fly with our busy busy girls. So I put together a whole bag full of activities and snacks to keep them entertained. They did so well! 

We landed in Chicago around 9:00 and then we had dinner and the girls were having fun running around Grandpa Scott and Grandma Jill's house. They didn't get to bed until really late! When we laid them down they were almost asleep before we even turned the light off and left the room. 

We had such a fun couple days spending time with Jeff's family. We got to hang out with Matt a few times which was fun because we don't get to seem him very often. It was fun to see him play with the girls. 
We were also able to go to dinner one night with Jeff's aunt and uncle and a couple of his cousins. 

Jeff's parents took us to a McDonald's one day that had a fun playplace for the girls to play on! 

We got to go to a Bulls game one night. It was funny because they were actually playing the Jazz that night. :)

The girls were fascinated with Benny the Bull. Until he got too close. Then they didn't like him anymore. 

We had to make a stop at Philly's Best after the game! :)

The girls got to open a birthday present from Grandpa and Grandma before we left. 

The girls loved Kobe and he loved them! He really was so good with them. 

We stopped at Qdoba for lunch before we headed to the airport to fly home. 
Such lucky girls to have such amazing grandparents!

Our plane ended up being delayed so we hung out at the airport for a couple hours before our plane even got there. Thankfully, the girls were so good! 
I love these pictures of them watching the planes out the window. 

We put their pajamas on right before we got on the plane and had bottles of milk ready. We were hoping they would fall asleep and stay asleep the whole flight. 
It didn't work out that way, of course, but they still did so well! 

Friday, March 8

2 year old pictures

We had the girls pictures taken last week. 
These are my favorites. 
I have a lot of them :)

(Wrigley is in the purple skirt, green bow)
(Morley is in the green skirt, purple bow)

And my very favorite! 

I sure love these pretty girls!