Monday, April 19


I got in my car today & the steering wheel was too hot to touch.
You know what that means!












Birthday Party

Last weekend we were invited to Hayden's 1st birthday party!
We weren't able to stay for the whole party, but we were there when
she ate her cake & I got some cute pictures.

She did not even hesitate.
She stuck her face right in.
Such a cutie!


On Thursday, April 9th Marsh took his endowments out at the Draper Temple.
Jeff & I were both able to be there in the session with him & it was an awesome experience.
Neither of us had been through that Temple before.
It is beautiful!

It was super super windy up there!
After the session we all went to Goodwood Barbecue for lunch! Yum!
Thanks for letting us be there with you Marsh.
We love you & are so proud of the choices you are making!

Happy Birthday.....

(sorry I'm a slacker & it's so late)

We love you & hope your day was the BEST!

Easter 2010

Easter was a busy day for us this year!
I had to do a clinical at the nursing home most of the day.
I wasn't really feeling in the Easter spirit at 4:30 am, so the Easter Bunny
waited until the afternoon to come to our house :)

In the evening we headed up to Terry & Clair's (Jeff's uncle & aunt) house
to celebrate Grandpa & Grandma Sonnenberg's birthdays.
It was so fun to see everyone & I even got to meet a few more family members :)

From there we went straight to my parents house & had Easter dinner with my family.
Our annual Easter Egg Hunt had been held earlier in the day because
Mckay & Megan were heading out of town
but they saved some eggs to hide for Husband & I.
It was freezing outside & getting dark but we still found all of our eggs.

We got loads of candy!!
We hope everyone had a great Easter!

Wednesday, April 14

Flowers for the old people

I just have to say that I have the most AMAZING husband in the world.
I've been doing clinicals at a nursing home for the past couple
weekends and it has been a bittersweet experience.
I have absolutely loved every minute of it,
but at the same time it's been heart wrenching.
Most of the people there are never leaving....they will die there.
Some of the people have family & friends who come to visit them regularly.
Some never have any visitors.
There was one man in particular who (the nurse told me)
has not had one visitor the whole time he has been at the nursing home.
He was my favorite :)
I'm not sure exactly what was wrong with him, but he couldn't talk.
He would try his hardest to but the only sound that came
out was like a grunting sound.
Whenever he was not down in the dining room for a meal,
he was sitting in his wheelchair
at the nurses station just watching everything that was going on.
He didn't want to be sitting in his room alone. I don't blame him.
I wouldn't want to be either.
He wanted to be around people.
Whether he could talk to us or not, he still wanted that human interaction.
I was shaving his face for him one day & I was leaning over
looking to make sure I had gotten it all & I said, "Look how handsome you
are underneath all that hair!" He put his hands up to cover his face &
when he moved them, he had this big mischievous grin on his face!
I laughed & then it hit me...he's still in there.
He's stuck inside a body that is failing him.
A body that doesn't work the way it's supposed to anymore.
I cried for him a little bit inside, thinking how frustrating that would be...
to not be able to control your body....
to have to rely on everyone around you to even get out of bed in the morning.
One afternoon, a package was delivered for him.
Inside was a pair of new diabetic shoes.
We put them on him and from the look on his face you
would have thought it was Christmas morning!
I don't think he stopped smiling & admiring his new shoes the rest of the day.
A new pair of shoes was seriously the most exciting part of his life.
How sad is that? :(

There was another little lady who I just loved.
She was so sweet & always so polite.
Every time I went in to help her with anything she would apologize
over & over for bothering me. It broke my heart a little every time.
And I told her over & over that she was not bothering me & that
I would love to help her with anything she needed.

During some down time one day, I went in her room & sat and
talked with her for probably 20 minutes. She told me all about her grandchildren.
Her face lit up & I could tell she was just so excited to have someone to not only talk to,
but to listen to her stories.

She had some really cool dyed easter eggs sitting on her table that
I asked her about. She told me they were from way back when she was a little girl
(the egg had been sucked out & just the shell was left) & they had
colored them with onion skins. She told me exactly how they did it &
I'm totally going to try it next year!

Anyway, I came home from clinicals on Saturday & cried to
Jeff about how sad I was for the old people & how lonely most of them are
& how I wish there was something I could do to change the situations they are in.
Sunday morning I found dozens of roses on the kitchen table with a note saying
to take them & give one to all the old people to brighten their day a little bit :)

He is the GREATEST!

Thursday, April 1

letter from Maggie

Jeff & I went to my parents house for dinner on Sunday.
While we were there, Maggie (my 8 year old little sister) handed me a folded up piece of paper
that said "To: Meg & Jeff" on the outside.
I opened it up & here is what it said....

Dear Megan & Jeff Sonnenberg
Do you have anything specall (special) to say to the family?
Cause if you do than we relly (really) wont (want) to now (know).
So please tell us anything you haven't told us than tell us as soon as you
Guess what? I found a new pencel (pencil) and it's so cool and back to what
I was writing before ok?
So if you have anything you have not told us about you that you just found out
about tell us. Like your going to have a baby. I'm just saying.
So if you have just found something out at the doctor. Tell us.
We love you no matter what happens.
You rock.
Your awesome.
Maggie & Alyson
(Alyson is her baby doll)

I think she wants us to have a baby.
(And in case you're I am not pregnant.)

Happy April!

Two days ago, 70 degrees.
Gotta love springtime!