Tuesday, October 19

I Would Die For That

I love this video. I watch it a lot lately.

To be completely honest, bedrest sucks! I have a new respect for anyone that has had to be on bedrest for any amount of time. This has been the longest week of my life.
I really do know that it will be so worth it in the end. But sometimes I forget for just a minute how lucky and truly blessed I am to get to carry these babies & I let myself cry to Jeff about how much I hate this and that I'm sorry he has to do everything around here. He goes to work all day then comes home and makes dinner for me, cleans up, does laundry and dishes, plays games with me when I am bored out of my mind, keeps me stocked with plenty of snacks and water...the list goes on. And when I'm feeling down, he always reminds me how lucky we are and tells me that he has the easy job in this. He's so amazing and I feel like a horrible person for complaining because I know we really are so lucky. There are so many people who never get to have children and we are being blessed with two! I don't know why we are being so blessed when others struggle for years to have a child. But I know that I don't want to take it for granted. I would stay on bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy if it meant having healthy babies.
On Caitlin's blog the other day she posted about a talk she found on lds.org about loving the season of life you are in. At one part it said, "A joyful outlook can be part of all of our seasons." So, I decided for the rest of this pregnancy I am going to try to have a "joyful outlook" whether I'm on bedrest or not. I will always try to find the positive. Because there always is.

Thursday, October 14

I don't really know what to call this post

I can't describe all the emotions I've felt the last two days.
We had a little scare yesterday.
I woke up yesterday morning & realized I was bleeding a little bit.
I kind of freaked out and started crying. Jeff was at work already & I didn't know what to do. The first thought I had was to say a prayer, so I knelt down and prayed that my baby was ok.
I tried to pull myself together and called the doctor. They said to come right in.
I called Jeff at work & he said he'd meet me at the doctor.
I got to the doctor and was so proud of myself for holding it together so well. Then Jeff got there
and I kind of lost it again. I was so scared. I didn't know what was happening.
The nurse took my vitals and then we waited for what seemed like forever (but really it was only a few minutes) for the doctor to come in. He did a pap smear and made a few comments about there being quite a bit of blood, which of course made me freak out a little more inside.
Then he wanted to listen to the heartbeat. He found it right away and I felt a little relieved.
He then explained to us a few things that could have caused the bleeding. He said
when the uterus is growing, it will sometimes grow right over a vein and then the blood from the
vein has to come out.
He also said it could have been that a little part of the placenta might have detached from the uterine wall, which can also cause a little bit of bleeding.
The third thing he said it might be is placenta previa.
He wanted to do an ultrasound to see if they could tell what was going on in there.
So the ultrasound guy starts doing the ultrasound and is quiet for a minute looking around in there and then he says, "Well, here's one baby......and here's another one."

We're having TWINS!!

Oh my! Definitely not what we were expecting to hear.
I started laughing and crying at the same time I think.
He measured both babies and one is a tiny bit smaller than the other, but both right around
the size they should be. Both heart rates are good and they were wiggling around like crazy
in there. The ultrasound tech commented more than once on how wiggly they were. He was
trying to get some good pictures and they just wouldn't stop moving.
He said it doesn't look like the placenta is covering the cervix, which would mean it's not placenta
previa, but he said it's a little hard to see everything this early. They will be able to tell better
when I'm further along. But they were going to have a radiologist take a look at all the ultrasound pictures also.
It was the coolest thing ever watching our babies moving around in there. I didn't ever want to
leave that room.
Apparently twins is considered a high risk pregnancy, which means they will be monitoring the
babies extra close and doing lots of ultrasounds. That makes me happy :) I feel better
when I can see the babies and know they are ok.
So we don't know really know what caused the bleeding, but it has stopped for now.
The doctor put me on bed rest until my next appointment, which is on the 20th and then we will go from there.

Here are some pictures of our babies.
The first three have both babies in them but you can just see the top of their heads and their arms.

These two are my favorite because you can see their little faces.

It's amazing how much I love these babies already!

Friday, October 8

Another Quote

Sorry another quote.
I saw this on my aunt's blog & thought it was so great.
With everything that's going on in the world right now...it's just perfect.

"The future of this world has long been declared; the final outcome between good & evil is
already known. There is absolutely no question as to who wins because the victory has already
been posted on the scoreboard. The only really strange thing in all of this is that we are still
down here on the field trying to decide which team's jersey we want to wear!"

~Jeffrey R. Holland~

Thursday, October 7

For Amy

14 weeks baby bump...

Wednesday, October 6

My 24th Birthday

I had such a fun birthday this year!
We kind of started celebrating Thursday night. Jeff's grandparents gave us an Olive Garden gift
card, so we went there for dinner on Thursday.
My dad & brothers went to Denver for the weekend to go to a Rockies game, so on Friday night
I went out with my mom & sisters. First we went to the football game at Melinda's school for a
few minutes just to hear her sing the National Anthem. Then we went to Los Hermanos for dinner.
(Mexican food is one of the very few things that sound good to me lately.)
Then we went to Walmart & bought treats & rented The Last Song & watched it. I didn't love it.
It might have been better if it didn't have Miley Cyrus in it. She bothers me. But also, I recently
read the book & LOVED it. The movie hardly followed the book at all. So annoying.
Saturday (my actual birthday), I had to go into work for a little bit in the morning. When I came
home Jeff told me we could do whatever I wanted to do all day. So we did :) We went to Costa
Vida for lunch. My favorite!! Then we went to the BYU football game in the afternoon. They lost, but it was still fun to be there.
We parked my car at the carwash & Jeff had them wash, wax & completely detail the inside of my car while we were at the game.
I didn't know they were doing it until we got back there. It looked so good!!
After the game we made dinner & then went to Brick Oven for a COOKIE MONSTER.
We used to do that quite a bit while we were dating & I always loved it.
But I gotta say, being pregnant has totally ruined food for me. Nothing tastes the same. Nothing
sits well. I'm so uncomfortable after eating, no matter what or how much I eat. It's depressing.
Don't worry, I know all of this will be SO worth it :)
Anyways, after we had our Cookie Monster we were going to go to Trafalga & play some Mini
Golf, but I wasn't feeling so great. So instead we went home & played a game and Jeff let me
open my gift! He (with the help of Caitlin) got me two super cute skirts! (Thanks Cait!)
Sunday was Jeff's cousin, Jimmy's mission farewell. So we got to spend a couple hours with
a bunch of Jeff's family, which was so fun!
That evening we went to dinner at my parents house & they threw a little birthday party for me.
Which was the only thing I got pictures all weekend. Sad.

Melinda: "This is my 'you sneezed on me face.'" :)

I've never been a huge fan of cake, so on my birthday my mom always makes cheesecake.
We might have to figure out a new dessert for my future birthdays because I went home
& threw up cheesecake all night.

Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes, cards & gifts. I was so spoiled & feel so lucky to
have such awesome family & friends!

Monday, October 4


I love love love this quote.

"The proud wish God would agree with them. They aren't interested in changing their opinions
to agree with God's. Pride is a damning sin in the true sense of that word. It limits or stops
progression. The proud are not easily taught. They won't change their minds to accept truth,
because to do so implies that they have been wrong."

~President Ezra Taft Benson~

That's all.